(Sumario de los Números Publicados)

- Por orden alfabético, según el autor.




NÚMEROS I (1937) - XVII (1970)


ABRAHAMS, HAROLD J. Priestley answers the proponents of abiogenesis

12 44-71

AZO, R. F.
See STAPLETON, H. E. et al.


BARNES, WILLIAM H. & YUEN, H. B. T'ao the Recluse, Chinese alchemist

2 138-47

BARRATT, S. Alan Francis Titley, 1897-1946 (obituary)

2 198

BENTLEY, JONATHAN The Chemical Department of the Royal School of Mines: its origin and development under A. W. Hofmann

17 153-81

BÖHM, WALTER John Mayow and his contemporaries

11 105-20

BRINKMAN, A. A. A. M. An unknown alchemical drawing, probably by David Teniers II

13 187-8

BROCK, W. H. The London Chemical Society, 1824

14 133-9


Lockyer and the chemists: the first dissociation hypothesis

16 81-99

BROOKE, JOHN H. Wöhler's urea and its vital force? A verdict from the chemists

15 84-114

BROWNE, C. A. Rhetorical and religious aspects of Greek alchemy, including a translation of the poem of the philosopher Archelaos upon the sacred art


Part I

2 129-37


Part II

3 15-25

CRELLIN, J. K. Portable chemical chests [of R. Reece, F. Joyce and R. B. Ede]. [A comment on SMEATON, 13, 84]

14 60

DAVIS, TENNEY, L. & NAKASEKO, ROKURO The tomb of Jofuku or Joshi, the earliest alchemist of historical record

1 109-I5

DEBUS, ALLEN G. The Paracelsian compromise in Elizabethan England

8 71-97


Gabriel Plattes and his chemical theory of the formation of the earth's crust

9 162-5


Sir Thomas Browne and the study of colour indicators

10 29-36


John Woodall, Paracelsian surgeon

10 108-18


A forgotten chapter in the introduction of the new chemistry in Italy [an Italian translation of Lavoisier's Traité]

11 153-7


Renaissance chemistry and the work of Robert Fludd

14 42-59


Mathematics and nature in the chemical texts of the Renaissance
See also erratum on 15 211

15 1-28

DEWEY, NICHOLAS Robert Burton's views on medical practice by the priesthood [a comment on WEBSTER, 14 16-41]

15 123-4

DUBS, HOMER H. The origin of alchemy

9 23-36

DUNCAN, A. M. The functions of affinity tables and Lavoisier's list of elements

17 28-42

DUNLEAVY, GARETH W. The Chaucer ascription in Trinity College, Dublin MS. D.28

13 2-21

DUVEEN DENIS I. Two unrecorded 18th century French chemists and an early Italian alchemical 'Unicum'

2 192-5


'Le livre de la Très Sainte Trinité'

3 26-32

FIGUROVSKI, N. A. The alchemist and physician Arthur Dee: an episode in the history of chemistry and medicine in Russia

13 35-51

FORBES, R. J. Petroleum and bitumen in antiquity

2 68-92

FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE VON The idea of the macro- and microcosmos in the light of Jungian psychology

13 22-34

FRICK, KARL The rediscovered original MS 'Ehrenrettung der Alchymie' of the Tübingen alchemist Johann Conrad Creiling (1673-1752)

7 164-7

FÜCK, J. W. The Arabic literature on alchemy according to An-Nadim

4 81-144

GEOGHEGAN, D. A licence of Henry VI to practise alchemy

6 10-17


Some indications of Newton's attitude towards alchemy

6 102-6


Gabriel Plattes' Caveat for Alchymists

10 97-102

GIBBS, F. W. Boerhaave's chemical writings

6 117-35


Dr. Johnson's first published work? [An anonymous translation of Boerhaave's Elementa Chemiae]

8 24-34


Itinerant lecturers in natural philosophy

8 111-17


The translation of Boerhaave's Elementa Chemiae [a reply to SHERBO, 13 108-15]

13 115-17

GIBBS, F. W. & SMEATON, W. A. Thomas Beddoes at Oxford

9 47-49

GOLDSCHMIDT, LEONTINE The symbolic meaning of Fahrenheit's temperature scale

6 107


[For a reply, see HEATHCOTE, N. H. de V., 6 155-6]


GOODMAN, D. C. Problems in crystallography in the early nineteenth century

16 152-66

GREGORY, JOSHUA C. Chemistry and alchemy in the natural philosophy of Sir Francis Bacon

2 93-111

HAMILTON-JONES, J. W. The identity of Eirenaeus Philalethes
          [For a comment, see WILKINSON, R. S., 13 53-54]

13 52-53

HANNAWAY, O. Johann Conrad Barchusen (1666-1723) : contemporary and rival of Boerhaave

14 96-111

HASCHMI, MOHAMED YAHIA The beginning of Arab alchemy

9 155-61

HEATHCOTE, N. H. DE V. Fahrenheit's temperature scale [a reply to GOLDSCHMIDT, L., 6 107]

6 155-6

HEYM, GERARD An introduction to the bibliography of alchemy

1 48-60


Some alchemical picture books

1 69-75


The 'Aurea Catena Homeri'

1 78-83


Al-Razi and alchemy

1 184-91


An alchemical journal of the eighteenth century

1 197-9


Michael Scot [essay review of L. Thorndike, Michael Scot, 1965]

16 167-72

HOLMYARD, E. J. Frank Sherwood Taylor, 1897-1956 (obituary)

5 57-58

See TS'AO T'IEN CHIN et al.


Ho PING-YÜ & NEEDHAM, JOSEPH The laboratory equipment of the early medieval Chinese alchemist

7 57-115

HORNE, R. A. Atomism in ancient Greece and India

8 98-110

See STAPLETON, H. E. et al.


JOSTEN, C. H. Truth's Golden Harrow: an unpublished alchemical treatise by Robert Fludd

3 91-150


William Backhouse of Swallowfield
See also a correction, 5 55

4 1-33


The text of John Dastin's 'Letter to Pope John XXII'
[For a comment, see MANZALAOUI 9 166-7]

4 34-51


Robert Fludd's 'Philosophicall Key' and his alchemical experiment on wheat

11 1-23


A translation of John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica (Antwerp, 1564) with an introduction and annotations

12 84-221

JUNG, C. G. The Bologna enigma

2 182-91

KAPOOR, SATISH C. Dumas and organic classification

16 1-65

KIBRE, PEARL Two alchemical miscellanies: Vatican Latin MSS. 4091, 4092

8 167-76

KIRSOP, WALLACE The legend of Bernard Palissy

9 136-54

KLEIN-FRANKE, FELIX The knowledge of Aristotle's Lapidary during the Latin Middle Ages

17 137-42

KNIGHT, DAVID M. Steps towards a dynamical chemistry

14 179-97

LANCE, ERWIN F. Alchemy and the sixteenth century metallurgists

13 92-95

LARDER, DAVID F. Alexander Crum Brown and his doctoral thesis of 1861

14 112-32

LEVERE, TREVOR H. Affinity or structure: an early problem in organic chemistry

17 111-26

LEVEY, MARTIN Tanning technology in ancient Mesopotamia

6 35-46


Research sources in ancient Mesopotamian chemistry

6 149-54

See STAPLETON, H. E. et al.


LIPPMANN, EDMUND O. VON Some remarks on Hermes and Hermetica

2 21-25


Chemical and technological references in Plutarch

3 1-14

LYSAGHT, D. J. Hooke's theory of combustion

1 93-108

McDONALD, E. The collaboration of Bucquet and Lavoisier

13 74-83

McEVOY, JOHN G. Joseph Priestley, natural philosopher: some comments on Professor Schofield's views [in 14 1]

15 115-23

McGUIRE, J. E. Transmutation and immutability: Newton's doctrine of physical qualities

14 69-95


Force, active principles, and Newton's invisible realm

15 154-208

McKIE, DOUGLAS Some early chemical symbols

1 75-77


Some early work on combustion, respiration and calcination

1 143-65


On five hitherto unrecorded copies of Jean Rey's Essays of 1630

6 136-39


Eric John Holmyard, I89I-1959 (obituary)

8 1-5


Joseph Priestley and the Copley Medal

9 1-22


On some pre-publication copies of Lavoisier's Traité (1789)

9 37-46


Henry Ernest Stapleton, 1878-1962 (obituary)

11 101-4

MacPHAIL, IAN The Mellon collection of alchemy and the occult

14 198-202

MANZALAOUI, MAHMOUD John Dastin and the pseudo-Aristotelian Secretum Secretorum. [A comment on JOSTEN 4 34-5I]

9 166-7

MAUSKOPF, SEYMOUR H. Haüy's model of chemical equivalence: Daltonian doubts exhumed

17 182-91

MILES, WYNDHAM D. Public lectures on chemistry in the United States

15 129-53


William James MacNeven and early laboratory instruction in the United States

17 143-52

MOND, SIR ROBERT The study of alchemy

1 1-2


Introduction to the second volume

2 1-2

MONTGOMERY, JOHN W. Cross, constellation and crucible: Lutheran astrology and alchemy in the age of the Reformation

11 65-86

MORRELL, J. B. Practical chemistry in the University of Edinburgh, 1799-1843

16 66-80





NEVILLE, ROY G. Unrecorded Daltoniana: two letters to John Bostock and a prospectus to the New System (1808)

8 42-45


The Pratique de Chymie of Sébastien Matte La Faveur

10 14-28

PAGEL, WALTER Paracelsus and the neoplatonic and gnostic tradition
See also a correction 9 116

8 125-66


The prime matter of Paracelsus

9 117-35


The 'wild spirit' (gas) of Van Helmont and Paracelsus

10 1-13


Chemistry at the cross-roads: the ideas of Joachim Jungius [essay review of H. Kangro, Joachim Jungius ' Experimente and Gedanken . . ., 1968]

16 100-108

PAGEL, WALTER & WINDER, MARIANNE The eightness of Adam and related 'Gnostic' ideas in the Paracelsian corpus
See also a correction 17 68

16 119-39

PARTINGTON, J. R. Albertus Magnus on alchemy

1 3-20


The Origins of the planetary symbols for the metals

1 61-64


The chemistry of Razi

1 192-6


Trithemius and alchemy

2 53-59

PERRIN, C . E. Prelude to Lavoisier's theory of calcination: some observations on mercurius calcinatus per se

16 140-51

PILCHER, RICHARD B. 'Boyle's Laboratory'

2 17-20

PLESSNER MARTIN The Turba Philosophorum: a preliminary report on three Cambridge MSS.

7 159-63


Geber and Jabir ibn Hayyan; an authentic sixteenth-century quotation from Jabir

16 113-18

POMPER, PHILIP Lomonosov and the discovery of the law of conservation of matter in chemical transformations

10 119-27

RATTANSI, P. M. Paracelsus and the Puritan Revolution

11 24 - 32


The Helmontian-Galenist controversy in Restoration England

12 1-23


Alchemy and natural magic in Raleigh's History of the World

13 122-38

READ, JOHN Alchemy under James IV of Scotland

2 60-67


William Davidson of Aberdeen: the first British professor of chemistry

9 70-101

REIDY, J. Thomas Norton and the Ordinall of Alchimy

6 59-85

ROBBINS, R. H. Alchemical texts in Middle English verse: corrigenda and addenda

13 62-73

RUSKA, JULIUS Methods of research in the history of chemistry

1 21-29

SCHOFIELD, ROBERT E. Joseph Priestley, natural philosopher
[For a comment, see McEvoy, 15 115-23]

14 1-15

SCOTT, E. L. William Henry's 'portable chemical chests' [a comment on SMEATON, 13 84-91]

14 61-62


The 'Macbridean doctrine' of air: an eighteenth-century explanation of some biochemical processes, including photosynthesis

17 43-57

SEATON, E. Thomas Hariot's secret script

5 111-14

SHEA, WILLIAM R. Galileo's atomic hypothesis

17 13-27

SHEPPARD, H. J. Gnosticism and alchemy

6 86-101


Egg symbolism in alchemy

6 140-48


The redemption theme and Hellenistic alchemy

7 42-46


A survey of alchemical and hermetic symbolism

8 35-41


The ouroboros and the unity of matter in alchemy: a study in origins

10 83-96


Alchemy: origin or origins?

17 69-84

SHERBO, ARTHUR The translation of Boerhaave's Elementa Chemise [a reply to GIBBS, 8 24-34]

13 108-115

SHERLOCK, T. P. The chemical work of Paracelsus

3 33-63



SHIRLEY, JOHN W. The scientific experiments of Sir Walter Ralegh, the wizard earl, and the three magi in the Tower,1603-1617

4 52-66

SINGER, DOROTHEA WALEY Alchemical texts bearing the name of Plato

2 115-28


On a 16th century cartoon concerning the devilish weapon of gunpowder: some medieval reactions to guns and gunpowder

7 25-33

SMEATON, W. A. L. B. Guyton de Morveau: a bibliographical study

6 18-34


F.-J. Bonjour and his translation of Bergman's Disquisitio de attractionibus electivis

7 47-50


Guyton de Morveau's course of chemistry in the Dijon Academy

9 53-69


Guyton de Morveau and chemical affinity

11 56-64


The portable chemical laboratories of Guyton de Morveau, Cronstedt and Göttling
[For comments, see CRELLIN, 14 60 and SCOTT, 14 61-62]

13 84-91


Is water converted into air? Guyton de Morveau acts as arbiter between Priestley and Kirwan
See also GIBBS, F. W. SL SMEATON, W. A.

15 73-83

STAPLETON, H. E. The antiquity of alchemy

5 1-43


The gnomon as a possible link between (a) one type of Mesopotamian Ziggurat and (b) the magic square numbers on which Jabirian alchemy was based

6 1-9

STAPLETON, H. E., AZOs, R. F., HUSAIN, M. H. & LEWIS, G. L. Two alchemical treatises attributed to Avicenna

10 41-82

STAPLETON, H. E., LEWIS, G. L. & TAYLOR, F. SHERWOOD The sayings of Hermes quoted in the Ma'al-Waraqi of Ibn Umail

3 69-90

STAVENHAGEN, LEE The original text of the Latin Morienus

17 1-12

TAYLOR, F. SHERWOOD The origins of Greek alchemy

1 30-47


Symbols in Greek alchemical writings

1 64-67


Translation of 'The Visions of Zosimos'

1 88-92


Translation of the alchemical works of Stephanos of Alexandria


Part I

1 116-39


Part II

2 38-49


Thomas Charnock

2 148-76


George Ripley's song

2 177-81


Alchemical papers of Dr. Robert Plot

4 67-76


A pair of alchemical ivory figures

4 77-78


An alchemical work of Sir Isaac Newton
See also STAPLETON, H. E. et al.

5 59-84

TAYLOR, F. SHERWOOD & JOSTEN, C. H. Johannes Banfi Hunyades

5 44-52, 115

THACKRAY, ARNOLD `Matter in a nut-shell': Newton's Opticks and eighteenth century chemistry

15 29-53

THOMPSON, R. CAMPBELL A survey of the chemistry of Assyria in the 7th century B.C.

2 3-16

THORNDIKE, LYNN Alchemy during the first half of the 16th century

2 26-37


Some alchemical manuscripts at Bologna and Florence

5 85-110


Some medieval texts on colours

7 1-24


Uncatalogued texts in MS. All Souls 81, Oxford

7 34-41


De Lapidibus

8 6-23


Other texts on colours

8 53-70


The pseudo-Galen 'De Plantis' (with Latin text of chapters on stones and those of chemical interest)

11 87-94


An alchemical manuscript: Klagenfurt, Bischöfl. Bibl. XXIX.d. 24

11 95-96

TITLEY, A. F. The macrocosm and the microcosm in medieval alchemy

1 67-69


Paracelsus : a résumé of some controversies


TS'AO T'IEN CHIN, HO PING-YÜ & NEEDHAM, JOSEPH An early medieval Chinese alchemical text on aqueous solutions

7 122-58





WEBSTER, C. Water as the ultimate principle of nature: the background to Boyle's Sceptical Chymist

13 96-107


English medical reformers of the Puritan Revolution: a background to the Society of Chymical Physitians
[For a comment, see DEWEY 15 123-4]

14 16-41


Henry Power's Experimental Philosophy

14 150-78

WELLESZ, EGON Music in the treatises of Greek gnostics and alchemists

4 145-58

WEST, MURIEL Notes on the importance of alchemy to modern science in the writings of Francis Bacon and Robert Boyle

9 102-14

WILKINSON, RONALD S. New England's last alchemists

10 128-38


The alchemical library of John Winthrop, Jr. (í6o6-t676) and his descendants in Colonial America

Parts I-III

Part IV


11 33-51

13 139-86


George Starkey, physician and alchemist

11 121-52


The problem of the identity of Eirenaeus Philalethes

12 24-43


A further note on Eirenaeus Philalethes [a comment on HAMILTON-JONES, 13 52-53]

13 53-54


The Hartlib papers and seventeenth-century chemistry

Part I

Part II


15 54-69

17 85-110





ZACHARIAS, PROCOPIOS D. Chymeutike: the real Hellenic chemistry

5 116-28


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