(Università di Siena)

Batista y Roca= J.M. Batista y Roca, Catàlech de les obres lulianes en Oxford, Barcelona, 1916

B = Bibliothèque, Bibliothek etc.

BC = Biblioteca de Catalunya

BF = Biblioteca del Convent de San Francesch

BL = Bodleian Library, British Library

BLMC = Beinecke Library Mellon Collection

BML = Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

BN = Bibliothèque Nationale, Biblioteca Nacional etc.

BNC = Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

BNM = Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

BR = Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit

BS = Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

BU = Bibliothèque Universitaire, Biblioteca Universitaria

CCC = Corpus Christi College

CMFBI = Catalogo dei Manoscritti Filosofici delle Biblioteche Italiane, ed. C. Leonardi, Firenze 1980-

Corbett= J.A. Corbett, Catalogue des manuscripts alchimiques latins, 2 vols., Paris, 1939-51

CPL = Causa Pia Luliana

D = Dominguez, Adiciones al catalogo … Pereira (MS notes, 1984)

HAB = Herzog August Bibliothek

Gl = Glorieux, P., Repertoire des maîtres en théologie de Paris au XIIIe siècle, 2 vols., Paris 1933

HLF = Hauréau, B. and Littré, M., ‘Raimond Lulle’ in Histoire Littéraire de la France, vol. XXIX (Paris, 1885)

HMES = Thorndike, L., A History of Magic and Experimental Science, vol. IV, New York 1932

KB = Kongelige Bibliothek

MOG = Raimundi Lulli Opera omnia, Mainz 1721-42 (reprinted Frankfurt a.M. 1965)

ÖNB = Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

RD = Rogent, E. and Durán, E., Bibliografía de les impresions lul.lianes, Barcelona 1927

ROL = Raimundi Lulli Opera latina, Palma de Mallorca 1959-63, Turnhout 1967-

S = Salzinger, I., Catalogus librorum magni operis lulliani, in MOG, I, pp. 47-74

Singer, Catalogue = D.W. Singer, Catalogue of Latin and Vernacular Alchemical Manuscripts in Great Britain and Ireland, Dating from before the Sixteenth Century, 3 vols., Bruxelles, 1928-31

TK = Thorndike, L. and Kibre, P., A Catalogue of Incipits of Mediaeval Scientific Writings in Latin, revised ed., Cambridge Mass. 1963

WML = Wellcome Medical Library

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